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In today's world, we all need to consider sustainability.

IT solutions have unique opportunities to help us realize our goals to build a sustainable future. We have solutions that help along the way.


This is what our sustainability solutions can do for you:

Collect data on energy consumption

Automatically collect data on the energy consumption of IT equipment, from production to use and disposal.

Complete ESG overview

Keep track of your company's environmental, social and governance performance.

Reports on sustainability

Reporting requirements in accordance with CSRD have been introduced and will apply to the vast majority of companies within a few years.

Establish sustainable processes

With our solutions for service management in the broadest sense, we help you establish sustainable lifecycles for all equipment.

Optimized use of cloud services

Monitoring energy consumption in cloud services can result in savings for both the environment and the economy.

Follow-up of sustainability goals

Setting goals is a great thing, but it's the detailed follow-up that's needed to achieve them.

Sustainability in practice

Sustainability is not just something that belongs in speeches, but something you have to consider every single day.

A recognized principle is that what you measure is what you can influence the most, and thus achieve results. This applies not least to an area like sustainability. But how do you actually measure it?

Here we have several opportunities to help customers with measurement and reporting. Universal Discovery, which is part of our CMS product, collects information about the IT equipment we have and can keep track of the energy consumption and "carbon footprint" of the equipment. In SMAX , this is integrated with information about non-IT company resources to create a total report. And everyone can report and follow up on this by exporting data to the CSRD Orchestrator, which gives you the opportunity for detailed follow-up of sustainability goals within the entire ESG field, as well as reporting in accordance with the latest EU standard in this area - CSRD.

In the Orbify.AI Group in general, and Manag-E in particular, sustainability is one of the pillars in the development and selection of products that we deliver to our customers. At the same time, we are working towards certification in accordance with the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management, a certification that is just as important for our sustainability work as the ISO 27001 certification is for our work with information security.

Marthe Nymark

With us on your team, you get more than just a tool

By choosing us as your digitization partner, you get not only powerful tools, but also a dedicated organization with extensive experience in the field. Our seasoned team, with over 100 years of industry experience between them, supports our customers throughout the entire delivery process, even long after the implementation of the tools has been completed. Because if there's one thing we know, it's that every organization will need to change and evolve in the future.

We place great emphasis on establishing multiple points of contact for your business, from dedicated operational support to strategic advice and development. This allows us to work closely with you to realize shared ideas, implement improvements, and further develop the product and implementation in line with your future needs.

As your partner, we have the capacity and expertise to follow up on multiple levels, and we are dedicated to ensuring that our customers achieve success not only during implementation, but also in the time afterwards. With our support and guidance, you can rest assured that you have a trusted partner who is committed to your success and continued growth.

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