Manag-E er miljøsertifisert!
Manag-E Nordic AS har nå blitt sertifisert i henhold til ISO 14001:2015 (miljøledelse), i...
Our powerful service management solution from Opentext is powered by advanced AI, and is ranked among the top three globally. The solution is cloud-based and has an intuitive design - a modern Enterprise Service Management solution, which is scalable and supports everything from small and medium-sized to very large enterprises..
World-leading tools from OpenText
SMAX (Service Management Automation X) from OpenText is a powerful cloud-based workflow and service management platform. The solution enables the automation of organizations' processes and offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface that streamlines operational processes and improves productivity. The solution has integrated artificial intelligence to deliver an intelligent system for handling inquiries and orders. The solution is easily customized to the customer's needs, without programming.
One common platform, not a myriad of solutions: It often feels like digitization is about more and more solutions. But the answer is to simplify, rather than convolute.
Create a holistic employee experience: Get digital tools that work. Every time. Every day. Whatever the task, whatever the communication.
Automate the boring tasks: Much of what we do, machines can do for us. So we can concentrate on the tasks we're really passionate about.
Cut costs, get more done: With machine learning and advanced, embedded AI, it's easier for employees to get the job done. Less waiting time, stress and frustration.
Personalize the customer experience: Tailor what meets end users, managers and operators. So that it suits your industry and what you need to solve.
Solve IT challenges in less time: With solutions that are always up to date, and with continuous support and training, you'll increase your willingness to make the changes needed to move forward.
"Today, Jotun is represented in over 70 countries and operates in all time zones. As the company's IT service provider, we must always have the end users in focus. We provide support around the clock, all over the world, to keep their work running smoothly. We don't live off IT, but our users depend on it to do their work. We must always keep this in mind," says Trond Riise Pedersen from Jotun. See Jotun's story about their Service Desk and how they use SMAX in their work.
It's hectic with 44,000 inquiries to the service desk at Møller Digital every year. Hear how they utilize SMAX to streamline the inquiries.
Whether it's guidelines for summit tours or avalanche risk in an area, NVE needs live data. A big challenge is keeping the systems up at all times and ensuring everyone gets the data they need, when they need it. See how NVE uses SMAX to solve these challenges.
Healthcare, government agencies, the real estate industry, the energy industry and the construction industry. Over the past 25 years, Manag-E has been a digitalization partner for customers in all of them.
Don't worry. Our solutions are suitable for businesses - both public and private - regardless of industry. Because whatever your industry, you have a lot in common with people doing completely different things. We're all addicted to getting information, but often it takes too much of us to process it.
We have to wait before we can move on. We spend our working hours on everything but getting the job done. At the same time, we need to do more with less.
We simplify the systems that slow you down. And your colleagues.
A seal of quality
Manag-E is an OpenText Platinum Partner - and has been for the past 20 years. Our OpenText expertise provides added peace of mind for our customers.
Every task has become an IT challenge. Optimize your service delivery to meet today's technology needs quickly and efficiently.
Fragmented services slow down the flow. Create seamless experiences by integrating all your business services in one place.
Poor asset management increases costs. Ensure the highest possible return on all your company's physical assets.
Lack of cloud control cripples agility. Manage cloud services smartly to keep expenses predictable and security high.
Cloud costs are skyrocketing. Use FinOps principles to get the most out of the cloud services you use. And cut unnecessary expenses.
Detect and resolve errors automatically. Monitor and improve both system performance and user experience through intelligent IT management. Get ahead of the challenges.
We are a wholly owned subsidiary of Orbify.AI - which invests in mature technology companies and is an active owner in the growth strategy of all its subsidiaries. Orbify.AI's ambition is to be a leading provider of software solutions for digitizing, streamlining and optimizing business processes.
It commits Manag-E. And gives us implementation power.
Did you catch this?
Manag-E Nordic AS har nå blitt sertifisert i henhold til ISO 14001:2015 (miljøledelse), i...
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